Sunday, September 11, 2011

Never Forget

On this ten-year anniversary of September 11th, I'm feeling awfully patriotic and I'm avoiding playing 'Proud to be an American' in fear I might actually cry. 

Since I'm not working today, I'm spending the day with Josh and Truch at their place watching the kick-off of the NFL season (the current game of interest being the Bengals and Browns game). We just feasted on a mound of nachos. Football, junk food, and incredible electronics that make you feel as if you are experiencing the game live when really you're in sweat pants on your couch...that's what being American is all about right? I would bet you $10 the majority of 20-somethings in Iraq are NOT spending their Sunday in the same fashion as me and my friends. 

In the past ten years I've learned a lot about the world, but in regards to international politics and terrorism and what it means to be an American citizen, I've learned to not take freedom for granted. As much as I complain about being behind on bills, having to work seven days a week to get by, or not being exactly where I imagined myself at this point in my life, I'm fucking glad I live in America. I'm glad I have the luxury to really decide what I want to do with my life in order to insure I am happy and doing what I love.   Many people in other countries or environments don't have that, and for that, I am grateful. 

This is the start of a project that's been looming in my mind for months. Let's see if I can make this work.

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